Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This is This because That is That, the Buddhist awareness of the Christian idea of the Pairs of Opposites. It exposes the reality that we can only have judgement, opinion and belief because there is something "other" with which to compare it. The rich girl is only That because of the poor waif - This. Good exists because of an opinion about Bad. Heaven exists because of the belief in Hell. Without this awareness of something "other" we have no guide lines to form our judgments. So we come to live in the confusion and the collusion of the conditioned mind. At the highest level there is Consciousness without an object or objective. In our human condition we step that down to awareness. We become aware of something outside our true Self. We become observers. From there we develop mindfulness of those things and begin our journey into personal self and a sense of separation begins to overtake us. From the Upanishads: The one Self within all beings becomes different, according to what It enters, and exists also without.The pairs of opposites are made up and depend on each other for survival. Remove the covering, as Fra Giovanni tells us, and you will find beneath it a Living Splendor woven of love, by wisdom, with power. Be there in that Silence. Be still and know that I am. I am never who I seem to be, but always who I really am. Who am I? I am infinite eternity. I am Stillness. I am Joy and Peace. Not as the world giveth. I am Love and Harmony. Also not as the world giveth. I am pure beauty without judgement. I am abundance without greed. I am perfect Freedom. I am Grace.

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