Monday, August 29, 2011

The void. It stretches endless into infinity. How can you grasp the idea, the concept of it? Then, into this void, comes a particle, a wave. At least that is what the observer sees. But does it? Is there activity in the void? And who is this observer observing the action? Wherein is he to be accounted for? Cease ye from man [the observer] whose breath is in his nostrils. It is a tale of conditioning. The observer observing itself in a mirror is seeing only an image. One cannot see oneself at all. Our form is only a reflection in the pond, the window, the mirror. Who observes? And how is this observer to be trusted? We are endless expressions of facts that are continuously changing. So how can they be facts when they are not continuously true? The world would still be flat. We appear to live in a world of relative reality. But relative reality is not universal. What is true in North America is not true in India or Africa, or Asia. We are all a reflection of our conditioning! First our family, then our community and schools, society and political affiliation. None of it the true truth. Most of it articulated by belief systems that have no basis is any truth at all. We quote The Bible, The Koran, The Talmud,The Gita,The Tao. But have we read what we quote so knowingly? Have we understood the meaning behind the words? In the beginning was the Word. A word represents an idea. An idea is infinite and never finite until it is brought into expression and then the purity of the idea is lost in definition. Stand ye still and know that I am. I will never leave you, nor forsake you. Never! Not at any time on your infinite journey through eternity. Grace and Joy and Peace and Love and Harmony and Beauty and Abundance and Freedom are your birthright. They are ever present but, in our search for an entity identity we move into the chaos of the world, embrace the pairs of opposites and become immersed in the Adam dream of a world separate and apart. A world of personal sense and an empty sense of separation. Turn ye and live. Be ye transformed. Breath is something different that the breath that is in your nostrils. The perfect, pure Presence is closer than breathing, nearer then hands and feet. That is the start of beginning to know who you are. Breathe in and be still. Breathe in and let go. Be in the moment and enter The Silence. Listen for the still, small voice that speaks within you. Speak, your servant listens. And be still until you hear that voice thunder inside you. You will know it speaks the truth of all truths. When the truth reveals the lie you are free. I, if I bear witness to myself, my witness is not true. Deliver me from the lie.

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