Saturday, July 30, 2011

The wave of Grace washes over me, embraces me and creates a space for freedom to release me from the myth of me. Because I am a myth - that little i. Born of nature and conditioned by family, school, society, civilization. "The school house closes around the growing boy." I have become an expression of the collective mind and that pure mind has been overshadowed. But, make no mistake, it is still there. Hidden in the sacred heart. A smile of joy. Joy and Peace give I unto you, not as the world giveth.(John 14:27) Love and Harmony ever present in the Presence of I. Beauty beyond measure and infinite abundance. Though greed has usurped the abundance that has been provided to its own ends, it remains abundance. For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. (Psalm 50:10) They do not belong to the myth of me. All is ours by the gift of Grace. Stand ye still and know that I am.(Chronicles 20:17) Cease ye from man. (Isaiah 2:22) Move beyond the pairs of opposites. Before judgement, opinion and belief. Judge not. (Matthew 7:1) Take no thought for your life. (Luke 12:22) Beyond desire. What could you want when all that I have is yours. (John 17:10) Beyond attachment to persons. That is but an entity identity. We are all One. There is none outside the Self. Beyond attachment to places, objects or conditions. They are empty. Nothing. Set them free and you will find that the "angel's hand is there, and the wonder of an overshadowing Presence." (Fra Giovanni) Go beyond personal sense and you will find the sense of separation vanishes. We are on a journey from sense to soul. (Mary Baker Eddy) Be ye transformed.(Romans 12:2) Let go to that that will never leave you or forsake you.(Hebrews 13:5) Let the day break and the shadows flee away. (Fra Giovanni)   

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