Saturday, July 30, 2011

The wave of Grace washes over me, embraces me and creates a space for freedom to release me from the myth of me. Because I am a myth - that little i. Born of nature and conditioned by family, school, society, civilization. "The school house closes around the growing boy." I have become an expression of the collective mind and that pure mind has been overshadowed. But, make no mistake, it is still there. Hidden in the sacred heart. A smile of joy. Joy and Peace give I unto you, not as the world giveth.(John 14:27) Love and Harmony ever present in the Presence of I. Beauty beyond measure and infinite abundance. Though greed has usurped the abundance that has been provided to its own ends, it remains abundance. For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. (Psalm 50:10) They do not belong to the myth of me. All is ours by the gift of Grace. Stand ye still and know that I am.(Chronicles 20:17) Cease ye from man. (Isaiah 2:22) Move beyond the pairs of opposites. Before judgement, opinion and belief. Judge not. (Matthew 7:1) Take no thought for your life. (Luke 12:22) Beyond desire. What could you want when all that I have is yours. (John 17:10) Beyond attachment to persons. That is but an entity identity. We are all One. There is none outside the Self. Beyond attachment to places, objects or conditions. They are empty. Nothing. Set them free and you will find that the "angel's hand is there, and the wonder of an overshadowing Presence." (Fra Giovanni) Go beyond personal sense and you will find the sense of separation vanishes. We are on a journey from sense to soul. (Mary Baker Eddy) Be ye transformed.(Romans 12:2) Let go to that that will never leave you or forsake you.(Hebrews 13:5) Let the day break and the shadows flee away. (Fra Giovanni)   

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Silence. Stand ye still and know that I am. With the equilibrium of equanimity I am balanced and open to what is. I am open to change and the flow of consciousness. There is nothing other. Consciousness is what I am. I am empty of all else. The world of sense and illusion fade. I step out of the Adam dream and Eve's devastating fall from Grace into knowledge, and into a release so profound that I am redeemed and renewed. Freedom of the Spirit is an awesome adventure. The idea of Karma dissolves in learning that there is no person to which to attach such activity. What would be the purpose and to whom? If you didn't know what event you were to redeem yourself from how would you know how to go about accomplishing it? And when would you know that you had? Too pure to behold iniquity, Grace has no agenda. Reincarnation disappears. Who is there to reincarnate? And, again, what would the purpose be? Right now, in the moment, I am the I am that I am to be. There is no other time. On this infinite journey through eternity I am experiencing a parenthesis in eternity, a blip in infinity. As I break the shackles that bind me to the world, to man whose breath is in his nostrils, into the freedom of I, a joy and peace overwhelm the form and mind. Love flows with comfort and compassion. Beauty is revealed in full glory. Abundance spreads before me. Greed, that man made dam to abundance dissolves and, once again The Flow is available to all. Step up. Step out. And BE!

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Tale of the Twig

Consciousness is a flow. A flow without object or objective. I am that flow. Consciousness is what I am. Without agenda, action or activity. Until, like a twig floating on the surface of consciousness, I am caught in a current that pulls me into a counterflow and interrupts my infinite journey in eternity. There I am. Caught in the debris, not of my own making. Trapped. With the need to survive, I adapt and am conditioned and confined in the circumstance in which I find myself. Consciousness flows on and awareness attaches me to this world of chaos and confusion, fear and hurt, belief. The illusion of my senses and the delusions of my mind take over the I that I am and I succumb to a world in which I come to believe is true. But Something knows this is not so. Yes, I am form and thought but I am also Spirit. Form and thought lead to betrayal in the end. Spirit is the foundation on which I stand. This place whereon I stand is Holy Ground. I am made in the image and likeness of Grace. And slowly, by Grace, I disengage from the world and enter The Silence. Just for a moment. And that moment becomes another and then, another. And by Grace I am freed from the ties that bind and ever so slowly released from the conditioning. Until one fine day The Light is invited into the darkness and the darkness disappears. In The Light darkness is nothing. I does not exist. As Truth reveals the lie and, being a lie, it is no more. If I bear witness to myself, my witness is not true. Truth reveals it is a lie. Now I can leave the nets that have trapped me. I am released, redeemed and renewed. I break free and I am set into the stream of consciousness once again. I am the I am that I am to be. I am free. I am home.    

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hamlet asks To Be or not To Be, that is the question. But it has nothing to do with being nobler in mind or slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Those are of the human scene and God is not in the human scene: My Kingdom is not of this world!  (John 18:36). God is to pure to behold iniquity. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. (1 John  1:5). God is no respecter of persons. (Acts 10:34). The word God is dicey of course. God is not a belief, not the wizard of Oz, not Santa, not some wise old man with a long beard who grants and withholds. The whole Holy One, the Sacred Presence, that Something Wonderful is as close as I can come to nondescript description. But that is not God. No description of God is God. God is Infinite and Eternal. Light and Truth. You just can't get your head around that! So you have no need of belief, only faith. Because you are here and now. That doesn't even take faith. It is a relative reality here where you are. Not before or after. ONLY now in this moment. Just Be. In this moment. It is all that is real. Ever.
The Void - a particle - a wave. But in the beginning was the Void. Once again it all begins with Nothing  -Empty - Void. Without a space we cannot Be. Void. Nothing. Empty. Space. Infinity. All beyond comprehension to the human mind. But without space between letters and words we can not see to read. Without space between musical notes be can not hear the music. Without space between bites of food we can not taste. Unknowable Infinity is necessary for our very Being. No matter the appearance the wave is never separate from the ocean. We are Infinity, Space, Empty, Nothing. They are our freedom from the Myth of Me. From the covering of the illusions of our senses and the delusions of our minds. "Remove the covering, and you will find beneath it a living splendor woven of love, by wisdom, with power." Fra Giovanni.  I am THAT I am. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In The Silence if I bear witness to myself, my witness is not true-be still and know that I am-without agenda, without action. Feel The Silence. Thomas Troward summed up his introspective study of "God" as: To Be. The only verb in the English language that has no action. Indicating that there is infinite potential but no agenda. Much like the flow of electricity without concern as to whether it electrifies or electrocutes. The infinite flow. The eternal becoming. Be, what else is there?  

Monday, July 18, 2011

I washing over me on this infinite journey through eternity. Light & Truth dissolving the pairs of opposites and setting the myth of me Free! Before knowledge - those pairs of opposites - there was infinity. And then the fall from grace brought knowledge. This was this because that was that. You cannot have one without the other. There would be nothing to judge by, no opinion, no belief. No witnessing. Even witnessing demands a conclusion. There would just be Being being Being. Life everlasting. Life without a subject. Consciousness without an object. Just a flow.
A word attempts to describe an idea. Ideas and thoughts are nothing. So is nothing the basis of everything? "There is nothing. Be" - Sri Ramana Maharshi
Breathe! Breathe In: I calm my mind. Breathe Out: I let go. Breathe In: I enter the moment.  Breathe Out: I enter the silence. The moment has no dimensions and in the silence I touch of infinity. For that brief moment I and i are 1. 
I am Life without a subject- consciousness without an object . Who am I? Who would know? I am a flow. Infinite and eternal. I am with you always. I will never leave you or forsake you. How could I?
On this journey from yesterday to tomorrow only the moment is real. Yesterday is but a memory-Tomorrow is projection-Neither are here in this fleeting moment. And the moment is gone before it is recognized. BE. BE Now. It is all there is and it is magnificent!